Would you like to completely differentiate your service from that of your competitors?


If you are a professional groomer you know that there is nothing more annoying than…

What if I told you that there is a way to say goodbye to situations like this once and for all?

What would it be?

Create a totally customized formula for each of your customers.


the only system in the world that allows you to compose the cosmetic on the spot , depending on the dog in front of you.

You will finally be able to offer the best possible service to your customer.

Each formula will be YOUR formula and you will be the only one who knows it and can replicate it.

The best way to really differentiate yourself , as the many professionals who chose Adok before you did …

Luigi De Mola
Luigi De Mola@luigidemola
Leggi Tutto
" Con Adok tutto è possibile! Poter personalizzare il trattamento mi ha reso un professionista ancora più completo, dandomi la possibilità reale di differenziarmi dalla concorrenza della mia zona. Non posso più sostituire questo brand poiché è l’unico sul mercato ad offrirmi la possibilità di “mettere del mio” anche nella cosmetica."
Vincenzo Delfiume
Vincenzo Delfiume@vincenzo.delfiume
Leggi Tutto
"Posso dire con orgoglio di aver contribuito alla creazione del sistema! Ad oggi, sono già trascorsi cinque anni da quel giorno, vissuti tra test, perfezionamenti e continua formazione. I risultati sono fenomenali...I miei clienti apprezzano tantissimo vedermi creare una formula “su misura” al momento."
Pietro Vitale
Pietro Vitale@pietro.vitale.93
Leggi Tutto
"Ho scelto quest’azienda per la sua filosofia, così differente da tutte le altre che ho avuto modo di utilizzare. Una cosa che mi è piaciuta molto sin dall’inizio, è stato vedere che Adok lavora solo con professionisti. Il bello di poter comporre tutte queste formule su misura e che la mia professionalità fa la differenza."
Barbara Lucic
Barbara Lucic@barbara.lucic.5
Leggi Tutto
"Before I couldn't get textures, the colors and quality at the same time, how I really wanted. Until I decided to join the Adok team. We are becoming recognizable, because the dogs, in addition to always being well groomed, stay clean and smelling much longer, the coat retains its shape and strength much longer, and the color is completely refreshed."

Adok was born in 2021 and within a few years it won hundreds of customers in Italy and around the world. Professionals who fully embrace the philosophy of customization, using exclusively Adok products in their salons.

To let you know every single detail about the world of customization and to thank you for the time you dedicated to me, here is a gift that I thought of for you…

The ADOK INFOBOX , a  FREE box set that contains everything, absolutely everything, that you need to know about the Adok System. 

Inside you will find the volumes:

1 The Adok system: how it works
2 The 9 advantages: find out why choose customization

3 Adok performance: the results possible with customization

4 FAQ: find the answer to all your questions

5 Adok Experience: what our customers say about us

6 Adok test kit: find out how to test Adok products

7 An exclusive offer, reserved for those who receive the Adok infobox

Request the Adok infobox now for free